Let’s briefly talk about hair porosity as a whole, then we can understand what Low Porosity hair is.


What is Hair Porosity & Why is it Important?

Hair porosity is your hair’s ability to retain moisture. An individual hair strand has several layers, with the innermost layer being the medulla & the outermost being the cuticle. The cuticle, is made up of overlapping cells that look like shingles on a roof. These shingles allow the cuticle to serve as a protective layer for the innermost layers of the hair strand, which prevents damage and keeps our hair strong and glowy.

Understanding our Cuticle layer and how to feed it, is the single most important thing to know about Low Porosity hair. Just as if we were to treat a flu with cold medication, feeding our beautiful hair the wrong products will only lead to frustration because no matter what we try, we just aren’t getting better. Knowing your hair porosity is the key.

There are three different types of Porosity. There’s high. There’s Medium. There’s Low. Our goal is to give you what you need to know about Low Porosity Hair because it is here that we have struggled ourselves. We’ve tried countless products and innumerable methods all just to do one thing: Hydrate our Luscious Locks. What we didn’t know, was that our porosity is what determines what products to use for our specific strand of hair.

So, what is Low Porosity Hair?

Low porosity hair is hair with such a tightly sealed cuticle layer that it resists the absorption of moisture. Does that mean it’s impossible to moisturize these strands? Not at all! It just means it requires a little patience & gentle care—just like caring for a garden.

How do I know if I have Low Porosity Hair?

There are a few ways that you can learn your hair porosity, but we recommend the easiest way. After thoroughly washing your hair, take a glass and fill it with warm water. Then, pluck out a strand of your hair and sit it on top of the water. Did it sink? Did it just sit there on top? If your hair sinks fast, you have high porosity hair. If your hair sinks after a few minutes, you have medium porosity hair. And, last but certainly not least, if your hair stays put, you betcha, you have low porosity hair!

If your hair stays on top of the water, please don’t panic or get frustrated—we’re here to help! Having low porosity hair isn’t the end, but only the beginning of a hair journey that will leave you feeling tons of love for each and every one of your strands because you put so much time & effort into every one. That time and effort means that you care and that care, makes you beautiful. And your strands will take pride in that care by shining brighter than any diamond.

So, read on to see how to take care of your beautiful hair and become a lo-po pro.

Now that I know my Hair Porosity, how do I take care of it?

Now that you know your hair porosity, it is absolutely essential for you to develop a hair care routine that best works for you. Otherwise, you will continue to experience split ends, breakage, and an itchy, dusty scalp. Finding your hair care routine, will require some trial-and-error, but remember, anything you have to work hard for, is worth keeping! Still, we will make it easy for you!

Always remember that the key to moisturizing low porosity hair is to use Lightweight Products. Your hair has a strong protective layer, so using heavy creams, butters, and oils will only put your strands under a lot of stress to support that weight. Use lightweight conditioners and oils to make it easier for your strands to go the distance. Lightweight products will sit on your cuticle and slowly slip between the cracks overtime, allowing moisture to stay longer. This is one of the biggest benefits to having low porosity hair. It may be a bit difficult to moisturize the strand, but once it’s in, there’s no getting out!

We will cover lightweight oils later on, but some examples include Jojoba oil, Argan Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Sunflower Oil, & Sweet Almond Oil, just to name a few.
