Like the beautiful benefits Shea Butter provides for those with higher hair porosities, Murumuru Butter makes up the base of our Leave-In Conditioner. On our own lo-po journey, we learned that Shea Butter is as moisturizing as everyone says it is, but after a long period of time, it stopped hydrating our hair. Because shea butter is a heavier butter, it got thicker and thicker over time, which made it too much for our strands to handle. After so much being packed on our strands, it could not get inside our strands, which made it no longer do its job.

*Enter Murumuru Butter.

Murumuru Butter is a lightweight butter extracted from Murumuru Seeds in the Brazilian Amazon. This butter is used not just in hair routines, but skin care routines alike. It has so many beneficial qualities that it can be used for various things. But, notice one key point we made a few sentences ago. “It’s in skin care routines”. Our skin is the soil on which our hair grows. If we power that, we power our hair to grow up and grow out in the most beautiful, shiny, silky way possible. Read on to learn how.

Murumuru butter first moisturizes the scalp and then travels all the way down to your ends. The scalp is the absolute key to healthy hair. After all, it’s where our locks sprout from! At LO-PO PRO we start at the soil and work out because we know that the soil must first be conditioned properly, so that our flowers may grow and bloom with sweet aromas. Our scalp isn’t so different—if different at all. It must be healthy in order for us to see our hair grow longer and healthier and vibrant-er and lucious-er and shinier than we could have ever imagined!

Murumuru helps us achieve that because it has a high concentration of essential fatty acids like lauric acid and myristic acid, along with Vitamins A and E. These key factors promote a healthy hair environment to reduce dryness, itching, and irritation that come from a poorly moisturized scalp.

Along with hydrating our scalp, Murumuru Butter provides a protective layer over our strands to help them withstand the environment. On a sunny day, its protective layer works as a barrier to prevent the eager sun from damaging our sensitive strands with UV damage. This very same protective layer also reduces frizz by preventing humid weather from getting into our strands and making them go haywire. In short, It guards external stressors that can prevent your strands from receiving the moisture they need.

     That same protective layer works in tandem with your cuticles to lock in moisture. This butter limits split ends and controls breakage with its protective, sealing layer, evens out the cuticle so that it reflects light and becomes more resilient than ever. This helps your hair to tap into it’s natural elasticity, and shine bright like a diamond! .

      So, in review, LO-PO PRO Leave-In Conditioner works for you because it relies on MURUMURU Butter as its foundation. Taken from MURUMURU seeds in Brazil, this butter provides moisture to not just your strands, but to your scalp too, promoting a healthy scalp environment that discourages those pesky split ends that cause breakage; and encourages rich hair growth with an unbeatable shine. This butter protects your hair from UV rays and blocks frizz on humid days. Just like MURUMURU butter, LO-PO PRO aims to transform your scalp from a desolate wasteland into a grassy meadow full of flowers.


